After closely observing Binance Earn and Bybit Earn for 24 hours, I have come to a realization. When the price of BTC was $74k, the BTC Annual Percentage Rate (APR) was approximately 98% for those looking to save below $500. For those wishing to save above $500, the APR was even higher, going beyond 100%. The same trend can be seen for ETH and USDT, with a 29% APR for saving above $500 and 11% APR for saving below $500.

This observation leads me to believe that whenever the APR percentage increases like this, it indicates a potential decrease in the price of cryptocurrencies. When the price of BTC was around $74k, the APR increased significantly, serving as a tactic to attract more people to buy BTC. Just two days ago, I noticed this phenomenon within a span of only four hours, and the price of BTC started dropping drastically to around the $68k region.

As of now, the APR of BTC has once again increased, reaching an astonishing 200% APR, while USDT stands at 9%. Based on my own observations, I anticipate that the price of BTC will drop even further, which would explain the significant increase in the APR. Let's keep an eye on it and see what unfolds.

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