It's been 13 years since Laszlo Hanyecz made a history.

The crypto enthusiast and a Florida programmer named Laszlo Hanyecz paid 10,000 BTC for two large pizzas in what's now regarded as the first real world Bitcoin transaction. Back then, 10,000 BTC was worth around $40. Today, it's worth about $300 million, with which you could probably buy a whole chain of pizza restaurants and have change hahaha.


Back in May 22, 2010, few people involved imagined that Bitcoin would spawn a trillion dollar market. Nor did they know that May 22 would forever be celebrated as Bitcoin pizza day. Since then, Bitcoin's been used to pay for everything from cups of coffee to holidays and luxury watches. You can even buy a house using cryptocurrency.

The Bitcoin pizza Day is a very remarkable day in the crypto space that will last as long as life exists.

Sadly, Years later, Hanyecz recalls that day with a lot of regret. If he would have held those Bitcoins, they would have been valued at Rs 22,60,68,90,000 today.

At the Bitcoin all-time high, those Bitcoins were valued at Rs 51,75,00,00,000.

This early Bitcoin transaction throws light on the volatility of crypto and strengthens the argument that dynamic cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are not a suitable medium of exchange.

Lesson: Today is still not late to hold your Bitcoin, don't sell to regret it in another 10 years to come.

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