BNB is the third largest cryptocurrency.

The highest price of BNB in ​​the last bull market was $690.

The highest price of Ethereum in the first half of 2019 was US$360.

The highest price of Ethereum in the first half of 2023 was US$2,140.

Taking into account the destruction of BNB, the total amount of BNB in ​​the first half of 2021 is 170 million, and the total amount of BNB in ​​the bull market two years later is expected to be 140 million, representing a deflation of about 21%.

The bull market BNB price is: 690✖️2140➗360✖️1.21=5010 US dollars

If Binance can maintain its position as the exchange leader in the next bull market, the BNB price will reach $5,000. $BNB