As we approach the Alpha release of OpenCog Hyperon, we are excited to kick off a "SingularityNET's Technical Tuesdays" series with a LIVE session this Tuesday, March 19th, 2024 at 5 PM UTC on YouTube, LinkedIn, and X.

Join our CEO Dr. @bengoertzel, COO @JanetAdamsAI, Chief AGI Officer Dr. Alexey Potapov, CSO Dr. Matt Ikle, and AI Engineer Andre Luiz de Senna for a deep-dive into the OpenCog Hyperon framework for AGI and explore how we are translating our AGI R&D ideas into advanced systems ready to deal with real-world use cases.

🔔Set a reminder for the YouTube livestream:

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✖️Or join us live on X @SingularityNET!

#SingularityNET #BeneficialAGI #AGI #AI #HyperonAlpha #OpenCogHyperon #AGIX