Time is like a river that keeps flowing, not only do the things around us change, but even we ourselves change. The me of today feels and thinks very differently from the me of the past.

Buying 2 times on 1 coin is the same.

Maria knows someone who bought Near from $4 to $20 and sold it all. At that time, the account put all of its effort into Near and ended up x5 times the account.

And then the price drop caused Near to fall to around $12. This person used all the money both principal and interest earned the day before to buy Near around $12.

Time passes, Near's price drops day by day, today's bottom is tomorrow's top. And then it dropped to $1, and this person didn't pay attention anymore.

And I also don't know if that person has sold it yet, if he still holds it, or if he's afraid to sell it all, whether he can keep it until the time when the purchase price is near or not.

Everyone will experience something like that at least once, even Maria when she first entered the market.

So, when you have won once, remember to withdraw money. If you love a certain coin, take part of the initial profit to buy and keep it because the coin is very good but the money is regrettable!?