$AR AIO is a decentralized computing environment designed to run any number of processes in parallel, significantly enhancing large-scale and verifiable computing capabilities.
It stands out for promising unlimited provable computing power, which is a clear advantage over traditional smart contract systems like Ethereum that face limitations.
The technology promotes parallel processing and seamless coordination through message passing, mimicking the collaborative capabilities of networked computers.
AIO's infrastructure consists of three different subnets and leverages Arweave as its base layer, with messages brought into the system via Messenger Units (MOOs).
AIO subnet framework
AIO consists of three sub-networks, with Arweave serving as the core layer for immutable data storage.
Users can send messages through messenger units (MOOs) to provide payments in various forms such as tokens, fiat currencies or other assets.
The scheduler network is tasked with assigning sequence numbers to messages and ensuring their storage on Arweave.
Computational tasks are handled by Compute Units (CUs), which determine the results of operations.
The AO token staking contract ensures the integrity and economic security of these units.
AIO is designed to solve blockchain scalability issues by operating as a peer-to-peer marketplace, essentially eliminating the need for a fee marketplace, enabling high throughput and an improved user experience.
The testnet has been launched and developers have been actively building it, exploring possibilities such as tokenized chat rooms and decentralized social media applications. All processes run in parallel and are stored permanently on Arweave.