Market Overview:
The total cryptocurrency market cap currently stands at $2.59T, representing a 0.83% increase in the past 24 hours. The total crypto trading volume has also increased by 0.83% in the same time frame. Bitcoin is trading at $68,245, with a 1.99% gain in the last 24 hours. The Bitcoin dominance grew by 0.37% and BTC currently represents 51.78% of the cryptocurrency market.
Bearish Outlook:
Despite the recent gains, the market outlook remains bearish as 82% of coins lost value in the last 24 hours. According to our forecast, the value of Bitcoin will drop by -8.65% and reach $62,343 by March 14, 2024. Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, is priced at $3,928.02 and has a market capitalization of $471.78B. ETH increased by 0.83% in the last 24 hours, but the overall market sentiment remains pessimistic.
Top Gainers and Losers:
Today's top gainers include Livepeer, Baby Doge Coin, and Coq Inu, while the top losers are Bitget Token, DeXe, and Injective. Render Token reached a new all-time high after gaining +144.04% in the last month, along with seven other cryptocurrencies that reached new ATHs in the last 24 hours.
Coin of the Day:
Floki Inu is today's coin of the day, thanks to its impressive 45.63% performance. Floki Inu is currently trading at $0.000250. However, it is important to remain cautious and vigilant in the current bearish market environment.