$BTC Good day everyone, and to my 180 followers (60 new followers yesterday, wow! lmao) I have some new analysis for bitcoin.
In my previous post I mentioned a big market shift coming, ending the stagnating 65k~67k price line.
A few hours ago, I was looking at the chart and saw a clear uptrend signal, so I closed my short position, at around 66k. This short position was at 63.5k at 1x leverage, to hedge my btc holdings.
Now I am shorting again with 5x leverage at 67.5k. I believe bitcoin tried to break resistance but got rejected. It will stay for a while, and with funding fee getting higher sell pressure will mount. Plus recent flash dumps combined bulls get weary and leave, especially when they are already at profit.
I suggest buying BNB though; I mentioned this in comments and some of my own posts too, but BNB will keep rising in value if you believe in Binance. Yes its price fluxuates with BTC but that is an opportunity. Its underlying value has nothing to do with Bitcoin's price.