I took a look around and looked at the most criticized currencies.
Find out which ones have the longest history
Carefully choose those with a high profit-loss ratio
I find that EOS becomes more pleasing to my eyes the more I look at it
Like a forgotten shit in the trash heap
Good luck
So I filled up a position
Ready to finish the bull market
At 3:00 a.m. on March 8, the market was closed xdm. I lost 1.3, but I didn’t take it even if it went up later. I still don’t have enough faith. Then the call was 0.975 again. It was fate that I received it again, but there is a high probability that I will not see grapefruit below 1u. I wish xdm who got on the bus a fortune. Pull it up and don't smash it down. Eos, hold on for me~