Lawyers for the U.S. regulator said in a court filing on Tuesday that Binance US has not fully complied with the SEC's request for information about its customer assets and other matters. The filing said that Binance Hodlings (Binance Global Exchange) employees still control the Amazon Web Services servers that host the Binance.USlet software. The SEC also said that Binance US has not yet proved that its employees have access to these private keys and customer assets, or that Binance Holdings employees do not have similar access. In addition, the SEC has a series of questions about whether Binance US employees are adequately monitoring transfers related to Binance Holdings; whether Binance US employees outside the United States have access to the exchange's customer assets and whether these employees are also paid by Binance Hodlings; and who has access to Binance US's storage and staking wallets. Binance US countered in its filing that it has responded to all of the SEC's document requests and that the SEC's continued requests for information go far beyond the scope of the consent order. In addition, Binance Holdings added at the bottom of the document that Zhao Changpeng objects to the SEC's request for testimony because he is no longer Binance CEO or a director of Binance US. (CoinDesk)