Hello friends.

Some investors give a lot of ideas about leverage because they are professionals, I don't know how much we have earned, this is how much they show risky positions like a profitable transaction, some investors who do not know anything but want to get rich quickly. becomes a victim.

My first advice is that if you are new to the crypto world, the first thing you should do is to research, search for a coin you are going to buy, not from one place, but from a thousand places if necessary, because many projects will be garbage, many coins we see in the market right now may not be in the coming years, so make good choices so that you do not be the one who gets upset about the leverage system. If you don't know it well, definitely stay away. My advice is to always make spot purchases and rely on solid projects. Some projects make such good promises that they renew trust with well-known sponsors to appear reliable, which has a great impact on human psychology. Of course, do not be fooled by these, listen to the advice, but just because someone recommends it. Don't buy it right away, just make a note of it in your mind, it is better to follow it than to buy and lose money. Do not enter new projects with a high balance. Always have cash on hand. Invest in quality projects. For example, since a coin is very cheap, it makes more sense to buy fewer coins with a lot of money for quality and future projects, instead of buying more with less money and waiting for it to rise and just waiting idle. In my opinion, there will come a day when many projects will be waste, don't be a pity for your money and above all your hopes, I lost a lot of money on this path. My advice to you, esteemed investors and friends who invest their efforts in the stock market, using the experience I gained from my losses, do not enter with all your money, especially with borrowed money, do not get involved in the stock markets. Even if you are so confident, I recommend using a cold wallet.$BNB $BTC $ETH