Binance just made announcement 📣 that, they’re going to discontinue all Nigerian Naira services.. hmm 🤔

Now they’re asking users to either withdraw their NGN or trade their NGN assets or convert their NGN into Crypto..

All users are advised either to withdraw,trade their NGN assets or convert it into crypto before 8th March,2024. Any remaining NGN balances in user’s accounts will automatically be converted to USDT..

Binance will not Support deposits of NGN after 5th March,2024.

Binance will not support withdrawals after 8th March,2024.

After 8th March,2024 Binance will convert any remaining NGN balance in user’s spot and funding wallet into USDT on behave of users at the price of 1USDT =1,515.13NGN.

Binance is also going to delist of NGN spot trading pairs (BTC/NGN AND USDT/NGN at 7th March,2024.

Take note 📝 all this doesn’t mean Binance is not going to stop operating in Nigeria 🇳🇬..