An Important Announcement for Those Who Follow Our Signals.

Assalamu'alaikum (Peace Be Upon You)

Our Signals Are A Little Bit Different than Others, We Don't Fixed The Target And Suggest to Sell Step by Step, That's Why Understanding Is Very Important, If You Want to Follow Our Signals.

We Divide About 4 Type of Trading Signals Based on Our Strategy.

1. HourlyTrade (For 1 to 3 Hours Only)

2. DailyTrade (For 6 to 18 Hours Only)

3. WeeklyTrade (For 1 to 5 Days Only)

4. MonthlyTrade (For 1 to 3 Weeks)

Based on The Time of The Market Increasing We'll Try to Announce. If Any of The Signal Need to Change the Time We Will Quotes The Post And Announce Again..

Don't Buy If The Time has Passed, Because If The Time Passed Before Buying Position Then That Signal Will Be Considered As A Lost Signal.


Thanks A Lot for Supporting Us, You can Stay Joined Our TG Channel by Just Searching @assistsquare . InSha Allaah, Soon We Will Announced Our New UpGrade about "Assist Cube".😇