GORILLA is up 274% in the last 24 hours
GORILLA current price 0.012
Gorilla’s price has increased by 274% in the past 24 hours and is currently trading at $0.012, with trading volume jumping 496% to $4.8 million.
The price surge may have a lot to do with the continued rise in the crypto market led by Bitcoin, but its developer launched a beta version of Gorilla Launchpad on February 29.
The so-called Gorillapad hasn't been released in its entirety yet, but its team says they're working tirelessly to deliver a full version as soon as possible. Expectations for the future may be part of the reason for the coin’s rise.
Gorilla’s price surge can be traced to several factors, including the fact that it is a meme coin, which means it belongs to a group of cryptocurrencies that typically perform well in a variety of market conditions. Meme coins tend to thrive when they become as popular as they are now, and that's exactly what happened with GORILLA.
Speaking of favorable market conditions, Bitcoin continues its pre-halving rally and is now very close to its 2021 highs.
This hype extends to altcoins as well, which is another reason why Gorilla’s price is surging. Add to that the anticipation for its upcoming launchpad, and it’s clear why the coin is performing so well.