Do not try to open your worldcoin account on 2 devices or open another account on a device for which you have already created an account before, your wallet will automatically be locked, the ID and the worldcoin wallet are working on the same contract, they should not do that. both would have to have different contracts to avoid loss of any external transfer sent by another wallet to the same one. They want to make a secure system but what is certain is that if you make one of these mistakes you will lose your account and be blocked. Binance has the option to recover your data with 2fa and other methods and you can use it on your cell phone and computer without problems, when you lose your account you can rescan your iris and create a new account which generates a new ID and what happens with The previous ID is duplicated and goes in favor of worldcoin, manipulating quantities and data at the same time and then using it for its own benefit?
The reserves are currently canceled due to the leakage problem that the market capitalization has due to the airdrop bonds, which generates money without sufficient support for the price to be maintained. Remember that creating more shares means its devaluation.
A hackemate is Elon Musk's complaint to Sam to paralyze the airdrop bonuses, I calculate that with the market capitalization plus the publicity generated and already having their product which is each 1 of us. You know when you have a lot of people you can do whatever you want with them, that's how marketing works where they start for free or by giving something away.
#bttc up = ai neural network