📝 Hi, I am 𝟏𝟎, this is the #区块链发展史 well-known project series, the protagonist of this issue is "CRV/Curve"
There are probably relatively few friends who have heard of or used CRV/Curve, and the friends who often use it are probably OGs who have been active in the currency circle for many years and are familiar with DeFi! 𝟏𝟎 I originally planned to bypass CRV, but its status is too high!

1. What is Curve?
Curve Finance is a decentralized exchange (DEX) protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain. Unlike some Uniswap-like protocols, Curve does not focus on the inherent volatility of most cryptocurrencies and instead focuses on stablecoin trading.
-- Focus on stablecoins: Curve’s main goal is to improve the liquidity of stablecoins (such as DAI, USDT) while maintaining a stable value of 1 USD.
-- Trading via Cryptocurrency Pools: Curve allows users to trade by participating in cryptocurrency pools. Users contribute assets to these pools and are rewarded for their deposits.
2. How does Curve work?
-- Stablecoin trading: designed to minimize fees and price fluctuations. Stablecoins are crucial for users looking for stability and predictability.
-- Low slippage and tight spreads: Curve facilitates high-volume stablecoin trading by minimizing slippage (the difference between expected and executed trade prices) and tight spreads.
-- Liquidity optimization: Curve uses advanced algorithms to optimize liquidity and ensure market balance and efficient trading.
-- Cryptocurrency pool: Users provide liquidity to Curve’s cryptocurrency pool, thereby enhancing the efficiency of stablecoin transactions.
3. Advantages over competitors
-- High-precision stablecoins: Unlike general-purpose DEXs, Curve focuses on stablecoins. This specialization minimizes slippage and attracts stablecoin traders.
-- Lower transaction fees: Lower transaction fees through Curve’s stablecoin-centric approach. -- Reduced Volatility Risk: Avoid volatile assets, providing safer trading.
-- Liquidity efficiency: Curve’s liquidity pool enhances the liquidity of stablecoins, benefiting traders and liquidity providers.
4. Curve’s contribution to the industry
Focusing on stablecoins, making stablecoins more widely adopted, and maintaining the balance of the crypto market because of stability, Curve has become one of the cornerstones of the blockchain!