Landmark fxs current price: 7.64 LSD pledge sector total amount 1Y, current circulation 71.6%, circulation market value 5.5Y It is a fractional algorithm stable currency protocol, and it is also an open source, permissionless and complete on-chain protocol.

Currently it only runs on the eth chain and may realize cross-chain operation in the future, and fxs is the fastest growing blue chip liquid staking protocol since the upgrade of eth Shanghai

The positions of large investors are also increasing, and a lot of chips are in the pledge pool, so it is very friendly to long-term holdings. The code was submitted 4 times in the month and the project official push was also relatively active. After the upward trend, it has maintained a concussive range, and has not fallen after several dips. The broken neck line supports the medium and long-term spot and can ambush a wave.

Buy: 7.66-7.35 Open a position with a target of 10.5🌿