#内容挖矿 The liquidity of both #BTC,#ETHand ALT over the weekend is very low, and the price still needs to stabilize after the US stock market opens on Monday night.
In the past 24 hours, although most of the time has been in a low-sulphur situation, after all, American investors are active until the early morning, especially at three and four in the morning, when BTC trading volume is the highest. When liquidity is at its best, it has also risen to $63,000 in stages in the past two days. All investors, especially short-term partners, can seize this opportunity. From the data point of view, it is not unexpected. The panic caused by the rise has gradually subsided, and the departure of profit-making investors has begun to decrease. The scale of departures of both long-term and short-term investors has been reduced, and this is also the case now. , it can be seen that even on the last trading day before the weekend, the exit of US$20,000 to US$30,000 has returned to four digits, and the reduction of the highest holdings of US$38,000 to US$43,000 is only more than 10,000 coins.