⚡Reflections from the Ark: Act or let act⚡

Governing by an indefinite emergency decree runs the risk of leaving us all with a shell of democracies and civil liberties that are just as hollow, just as empty.

We continue to allow ourselves to be completely distracted by circus politics and a constant barrage of bad news screaming for attention. Thus they were given a convenient excuse to expand their powers, abuse their authority and further oppress their constituents.

Anyone willing to weaponize one national crisis after another to expand their powers, and justify all manner of government tyranny in the supposed name of national security, will not hesitate to overturn the Constitution and put the nation back on lockdown.

Civil unrest, national emergencies, "unforeseen economic collapse, loss of political and legal order, deliberate internal resistance or insurgency, widespread public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters."

March 2020 was a test to see how quickly the population would follow government dictates to the letter, no questions asked, and how little resistance citizens would offer to abuses of power in the name of national security.

"We the people" failed spectacularly in that test. And the largest intrusion on civil liberties in peacetime history constituted a massive intrusive, coercive and authoritarian assault on the right of individual sovereignty over one's life, one's own person and private property.

Be dear reader, you may think that it doesn't all boil down to the same spectrum, but EVERYTHING is about money and power, both united. The government never gives up power for good. We shouldn't either. When we understand this, perhaps there will be a glimmer of change.
