🚀 Attention short-term traders who want to participate in the Bitcoin rally! The RSI (Relative Strength Index) is signaling overbought and there may be a temporary price correction. 😲

📈 Bitcoin has gained 40% in value in the last four weeks and is only 12% away from its record high of $69,000. Those experiencing FOMO may try to make a quick profit with risky leveraged products. 🤑

🔮 But chasing the rally could be risky right now, according to The Market Ear. “Bitcoin [14-day] RSI is at 88. We have never seen this overbought and bitcoin trading at these levels,” analysts say. 🧐

🎢 RSI is an indicator that shows that the price of the asset is rising quickly and may fall soon. Bitcoin RSI has never been this high before. 😱

🌈 Still, the RSI is not everything and the markets can sustain a strong uptrend. For long-term investors, the overbought signal is not very important. They focus on the big picture. 🖼️

💰 According to analysts, the big picture for Bitcoin is optimistic. Prices of $120,000 and above are expected by September 2025. 🎯

What are you thinking? Chasing the rally or waiting? Let's discuss in the comments! 🗣️