Original author: Karen, Foresight News

On March 1, Beijing time, Blast was launched on the mainnet as scheduled. According to the data panel produced by Flipside data analysts, 3 hours after the launch of the Blast mainnet, there were 25,000 wallets in the Blast network that executed more than 620,000 transactions, creating an average of 0.5 blocks per second, with an average gas fee of 0.000383 ETH (about $1.3 at the current price), an average TPS of 1.4, and a peak TPS of 144.5. In terms of smart contract deployment, more than 7,000 contracts have been deployed on Blast.

In terms of rewards, which users are most concerned about, Blast currently allows early access users to cross-chain to the mainnet and use Blast native DApps. Mainnet users will continue to earn Blast points, and mainnet DApps can now earn Blast Gold (gold coins). 50% of the Blast airdrop is allocated to Blast points (users) and 50% to Blast gold (DApps). Gold coins will be distributed to DApps every two weeks. DApps can keep gold coins for themselves, but some DApps have promised to give all gold coins to users.

This article will review 14 ecological projects that can kill two birds with one stone after the Blast mainnet is launched. Among these projects, the vast majority are winning projects of the Blast Big Bang competition.

Thruster (Blast Big Bang Competition Winner)

Thruster is a Blast native DEX that has launched on the mainnet with a protocol fee of 0. The Thruster official Twitter account is also followed by Pacman Twitter and Blast official Twitter.

Currently, Thruster testnet users, BLAST cross-chain users and NFT FRENS (ByWassies, Pudgy Penguins, Bored Ape Yacht Club, Anata NFT series holders) can receive free Thruster points. In addition, after the mainnet is launched, all interactive activities such as trading and liquidity provision can earn points. In the next week, Thruster will distribute BOSTED points to early participants of Thruster.


SynFutures (Blast Big Bang Competition Winner)

After the Blast mainnet was launched, the decentralized crypto derivatives exchange SynFutures also announced that its V3 platform has been launched on the Blast mainnet and launched a triple points event (Blast points + Blast Big Bang champion points + SynFutures points), and will airdrop SynFutures points to Blast, dYdX, GMX users and Pudgy Penguins holders. The points competition is expected to last 3 to 4 months. This means that SynFutures is about to launch a token.

SynFutures V3 adopts a dedicated order book automated market maker (oAMM) model that runs entirely on-chain, combining the advantages of the order book and AMM models.

SynFutures completed a $22 million Series B financing in October 2023, led by Pantera Capital. SynFutures has raised a total of $38 million, and its V3 has passed the Quantstamp contract audit.


Bebop (Blast Big Bang Competition Winner)

Bebop is a decentralized exchange aggregator incubated by market maker Wintermute that allows users to perform multiple token swaps at the same time, such as swapping one token for a group of tokens or swapping several tokens for one token. Bebop is now live on the Blast mainnet.


Juice (Blast Big Bang Competition Winner)

Juice is built by the full-chain and Bitcoin DeFi infrastructure OMEGA team based on Blast and has also been launched on the mainnet. Blast cross-chain users, Juice testnet users, and holders of some NFT series (Pudgy Penguins, Anata, ByWassies, CryptoPunks, Azuki, Rektguy, DeGods, 9 dcc) are eligible to receive Juice points.

For lenders, USDB can be deposited directly into the Juice liquidity pool to start earning a variable annual interest rate as well as 3x Juice points, Blast cross-chain points, USDB yield rebates, and future Blast coins.

For borrowers, WETH can be deposited into the Juice collateral vault and leveraged up to 300% LTV to earn Juice points, Blast bridge points, WETH yield rebates, and future Blast coins.


ambient (Blast Big Bang competition winner)

ambient (formerly CrocSwap) is a decentralized trading protocol that completed a $6.5 million seed round of financing in July 2023, led by BlockTower Capital. Participants included Jane Street, Circle, Tensai Capital, Naval, Yunt Capital, Susa Ventures, Quantstamp and Hypotenuse Labs. Individual investors included Ribbon Finance co-founder Julian.

Ambient launched Ambient Points today alongside the launch of the Blast mainnet, and points can be earned on the Ethereum mainnet, Blast, Scroll, and Canto.


Mangrove (Blast Big Bang Competition Winner)

Mangrove is an order book DEX that has launched Mangrove v1 on the Blast mainnet and launched the Mangrove Season 1 points program to reward LPs, traders, and community members.

The Yield Limit Order (YBLO) feature in Mangrove v1 enables traders to earn yield and points on assets they hold on other protocols, with liquidity coming from lending protocols such as Orbit Protocol. The Amplified Order (AO) feature enables traders to post multiple limit orders at different limit prices for different assets using the same liquidity.


YOLO Games (Blast Big Bang competition winner)

YOLO Games is one of the winning projects of the Blast BIG BANG competition. NFT market LooksRare previously stated that "it is one of the core contributors of YOLO Games. As part of the cooperation, a large part of the total supply of YOLO tokens will be allocated to future LOOKS token stakers."

YOLO Games announced that it has completed the snapshot at block height 19332142. If users deposit assets into Blast before then, they can get BOOST tokens. BOOST is only applicable to the custom version of YOLO Games and cannot be transferred. Users only have five days to maximize BOOST, after which the tokens will be permanently frozen. At the end of the season, the points can be converted into YOLO, the native token of YOLO Games.


Brahma (Blast Big Bang Competition Winner)

Brahma Console is an execution environment built on Safe for navigating DeFi on Blast. Brahma investors include Framework, Greenfield Capital, Safe, Lightspeed, etc.

Brahma said it will redistribute the vast majority of Blast airdrops to users who deploy new consoles, create subaccounts, automate, and interact with DApps. Using Brahma, users will be able to earn 100% of Brahma’s Blast coins, Blast earnings and points, and Blast coins for any Blast DApp they interact with using the console.


Wasabi Protocol (Blast Big Bang Competition Winner)

Wasabi Protocol is an NFT leveraged protocol that allows you to unlock 2x LP points for the rest of Season 2 by depositing into Wasabi’s Blast vault within 48 hours, in addition to earning Blast Yield, Wasabi Yield, Blast Rewards, and Wasabi Rewards.


Blitz (Blast Big Bang Competition Winner)

Blitz is an order book DEX that has launched the Blitz Launch Sequence on Blast, allowing deposits of USBD and wETH to earn Blitz points and BLAST. The Blitz app will be fully launched next week.


Zest (Blast Big Bang Competition Winner)

Zest is a collateralized stablecoin solution that separates yield from price volatility. Zest will start pre-depositing in the Genesis Pool on the Blast mainnet on March 1, and users will receive Blast income, Blast points, and Zest points.


PacBot (Honorable Mention in Blast Big Bang Contest)

PacBot is a social trading app that has launched Blast native Telegram WebApp + trading bot on Blast. PacBot said that it currently allows users to use its WebApp to trade on Thruster and earn points from Blast, Thruster and PacBot. PacBot tokens are not yet online.



ZeroLend is a lending protocol based on zkSync and Manta Network, which has been launched on the Blast mainnet today. ZeroLend said that lending on ZeroLend can earn ETH, ZERO, Blast points and gold coins at the same time.

ZeroLend completed a $3 million seed round of financing last month with a valuation of $25 million. Investors include Momentum 6, Blockchain Founders Fund, Morning Star Ventures, Banter Capital, Newman Capital, etc.



PACMOON is the Blast ecosystem community token, and its Twitter account is followed by Frank, the founder of DeGods y00ts, and Pranksy, an NFT KOL. Only those who deposit money into Blast before 01:00 on February 27 are eligible to receive airdrop points (an invitation code is required). In addition, PAC can also be earned by recommending and creating content about PACMOON.


As always, this article does not represent any investment advice, DYOR.