Mr. Bit has only recently become famous, but recently you have seen a few posts of condolences and condolences because of short Bit. And many of you guys commented, "Let's get rid of CMM, who's going to stop the ship?" or "You guys are trying to short, are you crazy?" With 17 years of experience in trading, I can confirm that I'm always the best short guy. is it wrong, if...
People say that with one word If, you can put the whole of Paris in a bottle, so what if is this (some people think fuck the admin if it's too much) The word If here I want to say is If you short Bitcoin according to your trading plan, according to your trading system, have risk management, and have full stop loss, then that short Bitcoin is just a trade.
Some guys trade according to the trend - trend following - but there are also guys who trade to catch the top and bottom of the reversal, catching the rhythm of the recovery, called mean reversion (padding a little in western to make it more clear, guys). And when the price has gone too far too fast, mean reversal traders often watch me trade in reverse to pick up the recovery rhythm, which is very, very normal.
You are only wrong if you lose your order and then go up and short again, the more you go up, the shorter you go, wanting to avenge your losses, or the more you go up, the more you DCA, not cutting your losses but just holding on. This mistake is not due to the trading system, but due to your impure mind but your love of trading. Trading like that, the green account profit is small but the green grass is very fast.
In short, if shorting Bitcoin is in your trading scenario, with a trading system that has been thoroughly backtested or forward tested, with accompanying capital management, then it is just one trade during a trading career of thousands of orders. our. And it has SL for nothing. On the contrary, if you short Bitcoin because you see that its price is high and will probably go down, then with DCA or revenge trade, then I wish you guys to return to the motherland soon.
Article by admin Traderviet!
Some photo of Jasmine.