In my concept, the standard for reaching the fourth stage is to completely overcome fear and greed. At that time, I learned from reading Banmuxia's Weibo that he had not actually reached what I thought was the fourth stage, but was actually only in the late third stage. Making money in the cryptocurrency circle is easier than I expected before, and with the bull market, as long as you keep up with the bull market, you can fly to the sky. So my self-confidence has become much more sufficient. Because I found that in many aspects of trading, I am actually not worse than Banmuxia, and even better than him in some aspects. But the result is that he has financial freedom. And I am still struggling just to make a thousand yuan. I found that I deliberately ignored various drawings and various information aspects before, and only wanted to focus on the most macro things. It was too deliberate. The impact of various information on the market and the final results are actually what we should pay attention to. Including drawing pictures so that we can see more accurately and in detail. So now I have changed to drawing pictures and paying attention to various information aspects.
Many times I always thought that my trading system had been formed, and I was very happy, but in the end the transaction still went bankrupt. Reality told me that I was far off. After the events of last month, I feel that this trading system is basically formed. I hope it can really work this time.