Always take into account coin issues and coin releases when trading.

❗️Be careful with projects in which most of the coins are subject to unlocking (>50%).

Below is a list of#unlockedcoins as a percentage of the total issue):

📣TokenUnlocks на 01.05.23

#ACAPRICE - $0.0863 CAP. - $86.27M RAZLOCK - 2.7%

#MCPRICE - $0.2813 MARKET CAP. - $181.82M UNLOCK - 2.2%

#FORTPRICE - $0.301 MARKET CAP. - $301.00M UNLOCK - 0.6%

#SWISEPRICE - $0.1573 CAP. - $157.27M RAZLOCK - 1.6%

#HOOKPRICE - $1.90 MARKET CAP. - $949.22M UNLOCK - 0.8%