This is a general notice. Products and services mentioned here may not be available in your area.

Dear Binance Community,

Binance Earn brings you new offers every Wednesday. Stay tuned for the Earn Wednesday event to receive rewards for using Simple Earn, BNB Vault, Staking ETH, Dual Investment products and many more.

[Featured offer for limited time]





Minimum subscription limit per user

Maximum subscription limit per user



Real-time APR

(About 17%)


Tiered bonus APR up to 7%

0.1 USDT



Real-time APR

(About 8%)

0.1 USDC




Real-time APR


Tiered bonus APR up to 0.35%


PORTAL Launchpool Rewards

0,0015 BNB


120 days

0,001 BNB

20 BNB

120 days


0.01 SUN

40 SUN


Multiple payment days

Up to 15% or more

0,00001 BTC

200 BTC per subscription

Please note:

  • The product is flexible and fixed

    • Incentives will be based on a first-come, first-served basis.

    • After registering, users can view their assets in the Wallet > Earn section.

    • Users can choose to pre-withdraw their assets in Simple Earn fixed products. After choosing early withdrawal, the principal amount will be refunded to the Spot account and the allocated interest will be deducted from the refunded principal amount. Due to many time zones around the world, it may take 48-72 hours to receive tokens.

  • Users will automatically receive rewards from active Launchpools when they hold BNB Vault and/or BNB Fixed Product positions. Please refer to this notice for more information.


[Other updates about Earn and attractive incentive programs]

ETH Fixed and Staking Products

Dual Investment

  • Users can sign up for Dual Investing with BTC, USDT, FDUSD and many other assets to earn APR rewards of up to 15% or more during market periods of high trading volume and strong price fluctuations. [See more]


Note: The translation of the article and the original English version may have differences. Please refer to the original for the latest or most accurate information if there are any discrepancies.

Thanks for your support!

Binance team
