#WLD signal update
first of all we are really sorry for that our previous signal hit stop loss. guys you dont have idea how mutch we dedicated for providing signal with on goin livesreem in social media.
so we are providing you signals in binance with managing othe platform as well,who paid for us.
but we giving you signal here as a support for you guys. so we dont appriciate your bad comment just after our signal went wrong. they know how our signals profitable here we providing, who follow us 24hours
but that people dont leave us a comment atleast after our signal went profitable.. we dont know why that happen. however we decide to block those who leave us bad comment.
keep on mind that, this is not a platform which under our control. we know that, thats whywe providing you stop loss.
so please dont leave us a bad comment instead motivation.
here we giving you shortentry for wld now you can follow that info in picture bellow and made a profit.
get entry between 7.47- 7.5
see you soon...