While Bitcoin reached the 30 thousand dollar level again after about 10 days, it is noteworthy that the number of addresses holding 1 BTC is increasing more and more.

While it is a matter of curiosity whether the 70% rise experienced in Bitcoin since the beginning of the year will continue, the “number of accounts holding 1 BTC”, one of the important data in this sense, has also broken a historical record. According to figures from the on-chain data tracking platform lookintobitcoin, this number exceeded 994,700 and broke the all-time record.

the number of addresses approaching 1 million was 19% more compared to this time last year. The increase in the number of wallets with a large number of Bitcoins is important for investors and users to show their trust in the Bitcoin system…

The number of BTC on the exchanges is also increasing.

On the other hand, an increase was also detected in a data that can be seen as a sales sign. The total number of BTC on the exchanges was 2.18 million units. Compared to the beginning of the year, the increase here was stated as 30 thousand units or 1.4%. During a period of about a year, it was stated that this number decreased by 390,000 units.

As it is known, movements have been noticeable in recent days, especially in the old Bitcoin addresses. #crypto2023 #BTC #Binance #Bullish #Ethereum