Analysis and experiences about Worldcoin
There are two key elements for which the potential of the application and the Worldcoin token are promising.
First: The word-of-mouth marketing system, dismantling the possibility of fake. The bonds with WLD token convertible into money and easily liquidated in euros and transferable, works.
Second: The loyalty of verified physical users is guaranteed from the first moment, with a bonus reward system, which forces you to be aware of the application week after week, as if it were a classic tamagochi.
Only with these two tools they achieve something that other exchanges, wallets, Apps and social networks dream of.
That physical people disconnected from the crypto world become potential users, and the fastest App adoption in recent times.
And that the security that each user is real and that each App continues in indefinite use, while the carrot 🥕 hangs from the stick.
The "iris" once converted into an identification key, only serves to avoid fake accounts. Without giving much importance to the conspiracy issue. (For now)
Worldcoin is securing the largest potential client portfolio in the world and a privileged place within the crypto world and digital currencies.
That is why I think that in the short, medium and long term, the token will be strengthened, and the products associated with the App will grow exponentially.
I invite you to install World App:
Link: https://worldcoin.org/join/QP4C63G
[Don't forget to enter the invitation code in the QP4C63G configuration and validate✅]