Over network project:

Our mission is centered around promoting inclusion, making blockchain protocols accessible to everyone. This principle is fundamental to our goal of building a truly decentralized blockchain network. Our vision is to create a global peer-to-peer network that welcomes contributions from individuals around the world, strengthening its security and stability through collective cooperation. Think of OverProtocol as a blockchain protocol for home stakes, allowing participation in blockchain networks directly from personal computers and devices.

  • Points Rewards Accumulate reward points by completing random daily rewards or various tasks.

  • Blockchain Learning Center Take the Daily Quiz and expand your knowledge of blockchain with new questions every day.

  • Ecosystem Preview Experience and become familiar with blockchain features before Over mainnet release.

  • Global User Community OverWallet has an active user base in more than 140 countries.

More than 5 million people have joined the project

Official website: https://over.network/about

Go to the official website and download the software through the app store or Google Play;

Register using Gmail (Google Mail), fill in the invitation code to get 100 points for free.

Invite link: https://mobile.over.network/en/invite/77CN14F75E

Invitation code: 77CN14F75E

How to earn daily points:

  1. Random points acquisition;

  2. Reply to over network technical questions to obtain;

  3. Obtained through staking points;

Official Twitter: @overprotocol