If your wallet holds RSIC and BOOST, check to see if there is an inscription like this! Rune Mania Miner

Transfer once as soon as possible to complete the activation (you can transfer it to yourself). Similar to RSIC, you also need to start mining from the transfer.

This is the first project to give Boost a free airdrop. The response is very fast~

The amount of mining is determined by many factors. The rules are relatively complicated and will be added later. The progress bar, 3 stones and inscription ID in the picture all have meanings and affect the mining speed.

First, let me remind everyone to complete the activation as soon as possible.

(Some rules have not yet been revealed and are hidden in the white paper. The project owner said that they can be inferred after the dashboard is online.)

It is important to note that the team reserved 253.

Whitepaper: https://ordinals.com/content/ebe303ebe21b891866995ea96d57ff070014bf8b17447a0c5551cab51f7d6c5fi0

Rune Mania Miner mining algorithm (the first half explains the principle, and the last half explains the strategy)

Each miner has an initial coefficient of 1, and the basic mining amount is 10,000 Rune tokens per block.

There are a series of acceleration algorithms that can increase the mining speed factor, thereby increasing the number of mined blocks per block.

① Mining boost (hereinafter referred to as MB), the green progress bar at the bottom of the inscription, is determined by the first two digits of the inscription id (if there are letters, skip until you find a number, and take the first two digits found). The minimum MB is 15, so the range is 15-99%

Formula: MB/400 = coefficient bonus

For example, if the number is 40, then 40/400=0.1, and the mining speed coefficient is 1+0.1=1.1

② Mana Boost, displayed on the red stone to the left of the inscription, is determined by the last two numbers of the inscription. The minimum Mana is 10%, so the range is 10%-99%.

The Mana bonus will only take effect when the total Mana value of all RMMs under a single address exceeds 100%. Suppose you have an RMM with 40% Mana, you can buy a few more to add the Mana value to more than 100%, and then you can get a 0.2 coefficient bonus. (All RMMs under this address enjoy this bonus)

③ Block Boost, displayed on the blue stone to the right of the inscription, determined by the last two letters of the inscription and the current block height (dynamic)

Static bonus: determined by the first two letters in the inscription ID (A=1, B=2...F=6), for example, ae is 15%, so the range is 11%-66%.

Dynamic bonus: Determined by the current block height, increases by 1% every 100 blocks. Maximum value 89% (reached at the halving block)

(Static bonus + dynamic bonus) / 400 = Block boost coefficient bonus.

In addition to the above three, the gameplay of ④Stone Boost and ⑤Runes Boost has not yet been revealed.

Stone is the stone in the middle, and the Rune boost is determined by the rune symbol on the middle stone. From the white paper, it is implied that holding 2 or 3 of the same rune symbols will have their own bonuses.

Finally, the number of blocks mined per block = 10000*(basic coefficient 1+all bonus coefficients)

How to quickly view the coefficients mentioned above?

Open any RMM on ME, and you can see these parameters in the Attributes in the lower right corner

(You can also see these indexes by clicking on the i in the upper right corner of the inscription, but the values ​​in the inscription seem to be wrong. It seems that the values ​​in Attributes are more accurate. Take the screenshot I took as an example. The first two letters in the inscription id are ef. The block boost value should be 56%, but it is 58% in the inscription.)

Okay, now let’s talk about the strategy. There are 5 factors in total, and the bonuses are cumulative. All of them add up to increase the mining speed.

① The Mining boost coefficient is determined by the inscription ID. The higher the coefficient, the better. You can check the Mining boost attribute in ME. Or you can check the inscription ID yourself.

② Mana coefficient. If you want to get this 0.2 bonus, you must find a way to get 100% in a single address. You can take inventory of what you already have, and then go to the market to find RMMs that can add up to 100% of your existing Mana.

③ The dynamic bonus part is the same for everyone, there is nothing to see. For the static bonus, just look at the Block boost static attribute in ME, or look at the first two letters of the inscription id. The bigger the letter, the better. ff is the top level.

④ and ⑤ are not yet public, but it may be helpful to have 2 or 3 of the same rune number. The rune number can be found by looking at the mark on the middle stone, or by looking at the STONE attribute in ME.

After the project party launches the mining dashboard, the algorithms for ④ and ⑤ should be able to be calculated.

The above interpretation of the rules is for reference by RMM holders. I have a neutral view on the project, please make your own decision whether to buy it.

Original address: https://twitter.com/lilyanna_btc/status/1760166802259411105