Hey there, fellow crypto enthusiasts! I've got some exciting news to share with you all. Binance is thrilled to introduce the 47th project on Binance Launchpool - Portal (PORTAL)! 🚀 Portal is a cross-chain gaming platform that aims to bring more players into the world of Web 3.0.

In just about 5 hours, the Portal webpage will be up and running, marking the beginning of the Launchpool. During the next seven days, you'll have the opportunity to stake your BNB and FDUSD in separate pools to farm PORTAL tokens. The farming will kick off on February 22, 2024, at 00:00 (UTC).

But that's not all! Binance will also be listing PORTAL on February 29, 2024, at 10:00 (UTC). You'll be able to trade PORTAL with BTC, USDT, BNB, FDUSD, and TRY trading pairs. Exciting, right? 🎉

Let me give you some more details about the PORTAL Launchpool:

- Token Name: Portal (PORTAL)

- Max Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 PORTAL

- Launchpool Token Rewards: 50,000,000 PORTAL (5% of max token supply)

- Initial Circulating Supply: 167,134,615 PORTAL (16.71% of max token supply)

- Smart Contract Details: Ethereum

- Staking Terms: KYC required

Now, let's talk about the supported pools and the rewards you can earn:

- Stake BNB (webpage available in around 5 hours): 40,000,000 PORTAL in rewards (80%)

- Stake FDUSD (webpage available in around 5 hours): 10,000,000 PORTAL in rewards (20%)

Remember, the farming period starts on February 22, 2024, at 00:00 (UTC). Get ready to dive into this exciting opportunity! 🌱

Feel free to ask if you have any more questions or need further assistance. Happy farming! 🚜💰

#PORTAL #BinanceSqaure