A closer look at the new educational platform from Blind Gallery designed to help anyone start their digital art journey.
If you’re a newcomer to the digital art scene, it can be hard to discern where to start. With numerous phishing attempts in the many social circles you frequent such as X or Telegram, finding accurate information is a challenge. Not becoming a victim of fraud or figuring out what’s real or what isn’t, even harder.
Thankfully, Blind Gallery is helping alleviate this burden by creating a platform for educators on blockchain art and safe practices through “the Academy”. In this article, we’ll dive into the Academy platform and their solution to bridging the gap in digital art knowledge.
What is Blind Gallery?
The Blind Gallery was founded by Kaloh in 2022, who runs a popular newsletter and podcast series around digital art. In the same way platforms like H=N showcased art for the sake of the art itself, the Blind Gallery attempts to do the same with an added twist for digital and generative art.
Art is spotlighted within the platform, not the artists or names behind the works. Through blind curations, collectors have a new way to experience blockchain art. The artists are mysterious at the onset, and later, their identities are revealed after each event.
Ciudad Central — Thomas Noya
The Blind Gallery editions, featuring various artists and collections, are released every 4 to 6 months. Limited collections are also featured occasionally, showcasing only a single artist and collection.
Apart from the curational side of things, Blind Gallery also offers a club. By purchasing a club membership NFT on fx(hash), members are invited to participate in an exclusive private Discord community and receive various perks, such as early access to Blind Gallery events and other ways to interact with the platform.
This is worth highlighting because Blind Gallery also provides an art incubator, where the club members vote on new artists applying to join the art incubator. With some background on what Blind Gallery is, let’s dive into their ‘Academy’.
A New Digital Art Educational Platform
As digital art permeates mainstream culture, finding high-quality and accessible information remains challenging. Whether it’s learning how to create and set up a Tezos wallet or figuring out what an NFT is, there needs to be a way to bridge this knowledge gap.
The Academy by Blind Gallery and their extensive list of passionate experts like Paul Schmidt of fx(hash), Uncap Collective, and the team themselves bring a solution. Whatever your case or background, the Academy brings high-quality educational courses around common blockchain concepts such as wallet creation, smart contracts, NFTs, and more.
The Academy platform accepts payments in the form of tez or credit card. Its first course was released on February 8th, featuring a 45-minute introduction to blockchain art. Upon completion, participants will receive a soulbound NFT. With support from the Tezos Foundation in the form of a grant, this new platform aims to enable newcomers to the Tezos ecosystem and NFT community.
Beyond this, the Academy offers a unique model for new educators. Experienced users in the digital art space can apply to become educators on the platform, earning a share of proceeds from each purchase. The process for the educator program consists of the following:
Brainstorming and defining a specific topic, targeting artists, curators, collectors, art professionals, and hobbyists.
Receive support for producing the material, with the Blind Gallery team packaging it into a coherent package of modules and chapters.
If you’d like to become an educator on the platform, reach out here!
Start Your Digital Art Journey Today
The Academy by Blind Gallery is an excellent resource to begin your digital art journey. In a complex space for new users, distilling basic blockchain concepts such as wallet creation, smart contracts, and NFTs is important in onboarding. Make sure to head over to the Academy today and start your digital art journey tomorrow!
Academy by Blind Gallery Is Live! was originally published in Tezos Commons on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.