#Criptoaldia #Criptomonedas South Korea's ruling party, the Democratic Party, announced that it will present a bill to delay the implementation of the Crypto tax until January 1, 2026, instead of January 1, 2024, as originally planned.

The party argued that it takes two years to establish a system that oversees Crypto transactions, similar to that of the stock market, and that the current tax is too high and would discourage innovation and growth in the sector.

The proposed Crypto tax consists of 20% on capital gains over 2.5 million won (about $2,100) per year, and would apply to both residents and non-residents trading Crypto in Korea. South.

The ruling party's decision has been met with relief by Crypto investors and companies, who had expressed concern about the negative impact of the tax on the country's market and competitiveness.