Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about operations in the cryptocurrency circle. There are many analysts in the market, and everyone may follow their advice, but many times we will follow blindly, praising them when we make money and criticizing them when we lose money. In fact, if you think someone is accurate, you have to observe for a long time instead of following them all at once. The market is cyclical, and operations are also cyclical. If you only do it for a week, you can only see the situation of others in a week. Similarly, if you only do it for a month, you can only see the situation of others in a month. But most people can't do it for less than a month. So the contract is cyclical. Don't let the profit of those few orders affect your mentality of making orders. I wish you all good luck this weekend! Remember to share, comment, and like #BTC #ETH #crypto2023 #Binance #Web3