Over 19K addresses are eligible for the 25% allocation of $PINK! 🎀 🥳

📆 Snapshot Date:
January 10, 23:59, 2024

If you voted, staked, held NFTs, delegated, or were a delegate by then, you’re eligible!

Here are the deets 👇 https://t.co/JGcNqJvjKl

@pinkonomic 2/ The 25% allocation of PINK is split into 3 categories:

20% - OG & Active Community Members 😎

→ Senior Ambassadors
→ Community Delegates
→ Delegates
→ Delegators

50% - Stakers ⛏️

→ Moonbeam & @MoonriverNW stakers of at least 1 year

and the last category...