2024 will bring tons of new project launches!

But most of their tokens can be obtained almost for free.

Here's what you need to do to avoid regrets:

- Stake $DYM and $XAI

- Stake $TIA on @stride_zone for $stTIA

- Bridge to @zksync via @Orbiter_Finance

- Interact on @zerolendxyz / @VestExchange and complete quests on @guildxyz

- Bridge funds via @JumperExchange from zkSync to Arbitrum

- Deposit into @HyperliquidX to trade for earn points

- Deposit and trade on @aevoxyz

- Borrow/Lend on @Dolomite_io

- Bridge via @Hyperlane_xyz Arbitrum - Neutron - Manta and deposit LP to @ApertureFinance

- Create new Binance Web3 Wallet, deposit and bridge $BNB, $USDT, $ETH via @PolyhedraZK bridge from Arbitrum to Mantle

- Use @Minterest platform for lending on @0xMantle Network

- Bridge funds via @RangoExchange from Mantle to Ethereum

- Deposit $ETH to @modenetwork and complete quests

- Restake 1+ $ETH on @eigenlayer / @puffer_finance / @KelpDAO

- Bridge via @deBridgeFinance to Solana

- LP and Trade on @Parcl to earn points

- Deposit into vaults on @MeteoraAG

- Interact on @Kamino_Finance

- Use all @phantom features

- Bridge funds via @RangoExchange from Solana to BNB

- Deposit and trade on @KiloEx_perp

- Bridge via @DLN_Trade from BNB to @base

- Trade on @IntentX_

- Engage on @Farcaster and buy warps on $5 via $ETH on Base

- Bridge funds via @BungeeExchange from Base to Zora

- Deploy, mint NFTs on @ourZORA and bridge via ZoraBridge to ETH

- Bridge to @Scroll_ZKP via Scroll native bridge

- Trade and LP on @ambient_finance

- Use all @Rabby_io features

Do the once You can , and leave the rest, the most important is positioning for something.

Don't forget to follow, so u can easily see other important post.