When you buy gradually - when you sell gradually, you may not be able to hit the bottom and the top exactly, but you will definitely buy an amount from the bottom and sell an amount from the top.

Not when a coin is released; It is taken while falling. The key point here is that you trust that coin.

In your cart; Choose coins whose project and community you trust. It is very enjoyable to trade with these coins...

$ICP is one of them. $CTXC is one of them... All of the coins we hashtagged in our posts are the coins in our basket.

We recommend that you pay attention to our patients. This is not an investment advice. We want to show you coins with the best projects and community. The rest is up to you. $BNB #Write2Earn #aliumutzabun #İbrahimCOŞAR #rubarsalman #Fatihcoşar