Speculating in currencies is like learning to drive. People who are new to it don't dare to do anything, but after learning it, they find it quite easy. Generally, it is most dangerous to drive for about 1 year. I think I have learned everything and there is no risk, but in fact if something happens. It's a big deal. Those who have passed this stage are experienced drivers. Really understand where the risk areas are.
I divide this into three stages:
1. Newbie
2. A rookie who thinks he is very powerful and can do anything for a year
3. Experienced drivers who understand risks
Is the currency circle like this? I was trepidatious when I first came here, but after getting familiar with it I felt like I could do anything. Only after being slapped in the face many times did I understand the risks. Which level do you belong to? #大饼行情分析 #合约跟单 #合约 #风险情绪 $BTC