$125 million in Total Value Locked has been attracted to #PancakeSwap AMM V3. As its business source code license (BSL) expired on April 1, developers forked the #decentralized #trading network Uniswap.

The #Uniswap paper notes that the license will expire on April 1 of this year because it is only valid for two years, as has been planned ever since the upgrading to the V3 version in 2021. DefiLlama data indicates that the PancakeSwap AMM V3's most recent TVL has reached 125 million US dollars. Uniswap continues to be one of the major decentralized exchanges in the #DeFi network with a TVL of more than $4 billion.

Version 3 of PancakeSwap, which offers better performance and reduced fees, was released on the Ethereum and BNB Chain networks on April 3. The upgrade includes a change in how liquidity providers may spend money at particular price intervals, which is one of its primary features.

A platform upgrade included in PancakeSwap V3 is capital productivity. The creators claim that this includes enabling liquidity suppliers to focus their resources on more niche price ranges, leading to higher fee income on a given donation.

More control over capital expenditures in larger volume trading ranges is given to liquidity providers with V3's ability to supply liquidity by designating a specific price range. A change from the normal 0.25% trading charge in V2 is the addition of four new trading charge tiers, ranging from 0.01% to 0.05% and 0.25% to 1%.

The V3 VIP selling rewards program and a position management functionality are two upcoming additions to PancakeSwap V3.

The VIP program, which has a tiered structure, offers traders exclusive perks like the chance to get a 5% trading charge refund in exchange for their trading turnover. This could encourage more platform activity and boost PancakeSwap's income.

This news is republished from https://coinaquarium.io/