Well guys, you will need to have BNB or FDUSD staked, or a combination of both to participate in Farming PIXEL, so 🎶You better start stake, you got to move now, your going to get Pixel, and I'm telling you how. Pixel Farming's coming, to town🎶.$RONIN #PixelFarming .Pixel will be the 46th listed project, on Binance, coming February 19, 2024 at 10:00 (UTC), but Farming starts at, 00:00 (UTC) on February 9, 2024. Of course you will need to stack up on the big boys, Santa Claus 🎅 included, for this event, JK. 5 Billion will be the MAX Supply, and well open trading with PIXEL/BTC, PIXEL/USDT, PIXEL/BNB, PIXEL/FDUSD, PIXEL/TRY trading pairs. The seeding tag will be applied to PIXEL. After launch, my prediction is price should settle at around $6 - $15. Please note, this is not Financial Advice, and I am not an expert in cryptocurrency trading.#Write2Earn #The.Voyager $BNB $FDUSD