What is USDT.D (USDT Dominance)?

USDT.D metrics, which stands for USDT dominance metrics, is a graph or chart that depicts the percentage of USDT market cap in the total cryptocurrency market cap.

USDT.D = {Market Cap of USDT} divided by {Market Cap of All Cryptocurrencies} times 100

It shows the portion or percentage of the total cryptocurrency market that consists of USDT, hence the name "USDT dominance."

This metric reflects the level at which USDT dominates the crypto market and can be found on TradingView. It is useful for determining the degree to which liquidity or money is moving from other coins and tokens into USDT.

The metric may indicate an uptrend when traders shift capital to USDT to avoid the volatility of non-stable coins.

At the time of writing this post - 08:51 (UTC+1), the USDT.D metrics reads 5.99%. A significant increase in USDT.D could signal a corresponding significant increase in the price of Bitcoin and altcoins, and vice versa.

Keeping an eye on USDT.D metrics can help make more informed trading decisions.

Good morning from Nigeria šŸ˜Š

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