Injective, a layer one blockchain focused on Web3 finance applications, has released Cascade, the first-ever Solana SVM rollup for the IBC ecosystem. The integration will allow Solana developers to quickly deploy their contracts and dApps onto Injective and enable them to go multichain across Solana and IBC seamlessly. Cascade helps unlock the $9 billion+ Solana developer ecosystem for Injective, marking a new age of interoperable Web3 infrastructure.

The Solana Sealevel Virtual Machine (SVM) is Solana’s parallel smart contract runtime, which is capable of parallel processing, much like Injective’s core infrastructure. The launch of Cascade was made possible by contributors to Injective and customizable rollup provider Eclipse. The Cascade launch consists of a few deployment phases, with the testnet beta involving an SVM sequencer operated by the Eclipse team. This sequencer receives transactions from Solana wallets and smart contract deployments from the Solana command-line interface (CLI), and blocks produced are posted to a data availability layer.

Injective has already connected Solana with the interchain ecosystem by integrating both Wormhole and Pyth, and Cascade further expands the potential synergies across Solana, Injective, and Cosmos by bringing a familiar Solana developer environment to the world of IBC. Developers who are familiar with Solana tooling and language can now easily write and deploy their applications to the Cosmos ecosystem through Cascade without needing to learn new programming languages or tooling.

Moving forward, Cascade will continue to implement the latest technical breakthroughs, reaching higher levels of security and scalability. The current plan is to integrate the interchain security (ICS) model to secure Cascade alongside new VM rollups deployed by Injective, allowing Cascade to borrow shared security from the entire Cosmos ecosystem. New security parameters coupled with a modular data availability layer such as Celestia would afford Cascade with an unprecedented upper bound of scalability.

Eric Chen, co-founder and CEO of Injective Labs, stated, “Cascade will not only empower developers from Solana to deploy their dApps on Injective, but it will also create more opportunities for users to experience the best Web3 applications in one integrated network.” The Cascade launch marks the start of a new age of interoperable Web3 infrastructure underscored by hyper scalability. This new integration will not only attract a new audience to the Solana SVM but will also enable Cosmos users to utilize popular Solana dApps deployed on Injective, resulting in increased Web3 adoption across the board.

Injective is incubated by Binance and backed by prominent investors such as Jump Crypto, Pantera, and Mark Cuban. With the launch of Cascade, Injective is continuing to build the most dynamic ecosystem for Web3 finance. Developers and builders can visit the official Cascade developer docs to get started on the public testnet. A migration to mainnet is planned in the near future.

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