Brother Pauly, don’t be stupid. It’s already a thousand times more valuable today. Pepe Fork - $PORK reached a market value of 40M in one and a half hours. @Pauly0x is crazy about selling goods.

At 2:30, the group started to make crazy notifications. At that time, the market value was only 2.4M, which was a full 13 times.

From complaining about rubbish to being unable to bear the pursuit of higher prices, from being afraid of being bullied to making money and posting orders, the K-line has been rising, and the confidence has been strong. There’s no need to do so much research on hot projects, just get on board first!

Some smart friends immediately grabbed Solana's $PORK and made 80 times the profit. It's really awesome. Everyone is welcome to use the magic tool to increase their income! Our trading robot: