In the blockchain world, airdrops are a way to get tokens for free. This article will guide you on how to use Python’s web3 library to automatically receive airdrops. We will start with environment construction and gradually explain the actual implementation.
1. Environment setup
Install Python and dependent libraries. Please ensure that Python (version 3.6 or above) is installed on your computer. Next, open a terminal or command prompt and install the web3 library using the following command:
Copy code
pip install web3
2. Create a wallet and obtain airdrop information
Creating an Ethereum Wallet In this step, we need to generate a new Ethereum wallet address. Create a wallet using the following code:
from web3 import Web3
from eth_account import Account
account = Account.create()
private_key = account.privateKey address = account.address
print("Private key:", private_key)
print("Address:", address)
Please keep your private key safe and do not disclose it to anyone.
Obtain airdrop information To claim the airdrop, you need to know the contract address, ABI (Application Binary Interface) and claim method of the airdrop token. This information can be obtained from the airdrop project official or blockchain browser (such as Etherscan).
3. Connect nodes and contracts
Connecting an Ethereum Node Create an Ethereum node using Infura or another service provider, then connect with the following code:
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider("your node link"))
Load the contract. Replace the contract address and ABI of the airdrop token with actual values and load the contract:
contract_address = "Airdrop token contract address"
contract_abi = "Airdrop Token ABI"
contract = w3.eth.contract(address=contract_address, abi=contract_abi)
4. Receive airdrops
Construct a claim transaction In this step, we need to construct a transaction to receive the airdrop. You need to set the collection method and parameters according to the specific airdrop rules. Here's a simplified example:
nonce = w3.eth.getTransactionCount(address)
gas_price = w3.eth.gasPrice
claim_tx = contract.functions.claimAirdrop().buildTransaction({ 'from': address, 'gas': 150000, 'gasPrice': gas_price, 'nonce': nonce, })
Sign and send the transaction The final step is to sign the transaction with your private key and send it to the network. After successful sending, you will receive the airdrop tokens in your wallet. Here is the code to sign and send the transaction:
python Copy code signed_tx = w3.eth.account.signTransaction(claim_tx, private_key) tx_hash = w3.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_tx.rawTransaction)
print("Transaction Hash:", tx_hash.hex())
5. Check the receipt of airdrops
Waiting for Transaction Confirmation After sending a transaction, you need to wait for the transaction to be packaged into a block and confirmed by the miners. The following code will help you check transaction confirmation:
receipt = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
print("Transaction receipt:", receipt)
Check the Token Balance After successfully claiming the airdrop, you can check the balance of the tokens in your wallet. The following code will display your airdrop token balance:
token_balance = contract.functions.balanceOf(address).call()
print("Airdrop token balance:", token_balance)
At this point, you have completed the process of receiving airdrop wealth using Python. Please note that the collection methods and rules of each airdrop project may be different, so actual operations need to be adjusted according to the specific conditions of the project.
Through this article, you learned how to use Python’s web3 library to receive airdrop tokens. This process includes several major steps, including environment setup, creating a wallet, obtaining airdrop information, connecting nodes and contracts, receiving airdrops, and checking airdrop receipt. I hope this article will help you understand and practice blockchain technology, and I wish you explore more wealth in the blockchain world.