Highlights of Aptos

With a team of quality personnel and huge funding from major investors, Aptos is currently launching devnet and testnet versions and has officially launched the Mainnet version in October 2022.

Aptos' Move programming language is a central highlight of the project. Designed to securely manage resources, and to be authenticated on the blockchain. Move's static-typing is said to be an improved, much stricter version of Ethereum's smart contract language.

Modern programming languages ​​such as Rust, Golang, Typescript, Haskell, Scala, OCaml all choose static-typing because it has the advantage of being able to detect many program errors.

Compared to other programming languages, Move has the ability to manage and verify resources on the Blockchain to ensure safety. When transactions are made, they will have two states: implicit identification and measurement.

Identify and hide: Transaction outcomes will be predictable based on available information and the current state of the ledger.

Aptos uses a low-latency Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) mechanism: Team Aptos focuses for a long time to complement their BFT mechanism, ensuring network security despite nodes being manipulated and commits a network attack. In addition, there is the ability to change the private key to increase the level of security for users.

With all of the above conditions, in laboratory conditions, if we ignore many factors about storage, problems with consensus mechanisms, networks, etc. Aptos introduces can reach 120,000 transactions per second. (TPS).

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