The introduction of the new Passport ETH Stamp is now set to redefine the landscape of user verification within the Ethereum ecosystem. Leveraging a sophisticated blend of on-chain transaction history and an advanced predictive model, the innovative tool is designed to ascertain the unique humanity of each Ethereum account with unprecedented precision.

The launch represents a significant leap forward in the ongoing battle against Sybil attacks, ensuring a more secure and trustworthy digital environment.

Enhanced Security and User Engagement with the Passport ETH Stamp

The Passport ETH Stamp is not just a tool; it’s a testament to the relentless pursuit of security and authenticity in the digital realm. Drawing from extensive experience in safeguarding platforms like the Gitcoin Grants program, the creators of the Passport ETH Stamp have continuously refined their approach to Sybil defense. The result is a robust system that stands as a direct product of meticulous Passport data analysis and a deep understanding of the intricacies of onchain activities.

The revamped Passport ETH Stamp is a game-changer in user verification. It transcends traditional methods that rely solely on parameters like ETH balance, transaction count, and gas expenditures. Instead, it introduces a nuanced approach, analyzing a wider spectrum of on-chain activities to distinguish genuine users from Sybils effectively. The refined model not only elevates the verification process but also offers users a novel way to enhance their Passport Score.

A New Era of Onchain Activity Credentials and User Empowerment

The introduction of the Passport ETH Stamp heralds a new era of user empowerment and engagement. Users can now have the opportunity to boost their Passport Score through three new onchain activity credentials: Eth Advocate, Eth Pioneer, and Eth Maxi. Each of these credentials adds a significant 3.54 points to the user’s score, reflecting their active participation and contribution to the Ethereum ecosystem.

While the new Passport ETH Stamp may initially lead to a reduction in some users’ scores, it’s a deliberate step towards a more secure, accurate, and data-driven verification process. The system values detailed onchain transaction data, ensuring that each score genuinely reflects the user’s unique presence and activity within the network.

For users, the new stamp offers a streamlined and organic pathway to bolster their score. By simply linking their Ethereum address and engaging actively in the web3 ecosystem, users can effortlessly enhance their standing. The model is just the beginning of a series of initiatives aimed at simplifying human verification, with more innovative solutions already in the pipeline.


The launch of the Passport ETH Stamp marks a pivotal moment in the quest for a safer, more trusted onchain experience. Users are encouraged to refresh their ETH stamp in Passport today to review their new score and be an integral part of the transformative journey. As we move forward, the Passport ETH Stamp stands as a beacon of innovation, security, and user empowerment in the ever-evolving digital landscape.