ScapesMania in Presale
scapes mania is a project created for two distinct audiences: Web3 enthusiasts and Web2 casual gamers. The goal is to provide Web3 enthusiasts with the opportunity to influence the development of and benefit from games played by a massive and profitable Web2 casual gaming audience.
Large gaming corporations own the rights to the biggest games on the market to generate as much revenue as possible, without giving players ways to influence development. ScapesMania gives power back to the players.
Link : 👇
Market cap : $4,898,668.1$ , Stage 7
The Play-To-Earn market is currently facing challenges, and even large titles are experiencing a decline in both user base and revenue. Gamers are not interested in tokens, while crypto entrepreneurs are not typically interested in games. As a result, revenue streams do not function properly.
ScapesMania is a solution that satisfies both markets. Through the power of blockchain crowdfunding, we are creating games that attract Web2 gamers while also allowing Web3 enthusiasts to influence the game and benefit from the massive casual audience."