Recently, UMA announced the launch of Oval, an oracle value extraction tool. Since the announcement on January 17, the price has increased more than 2.5 times in just 5 days. On January 23, UMA officially launched Oval on the Ethereum mainnet, and Lianchuang Hart Lambur published an article explaining Oval in detail. The launch of Oval is expected to further promote the prosperity of the DeFi market.

In the field of artificial intelligence, decentralization and Web3 are considered strong contenders to maintain openness. With the integration of computing power, centralization issues have become increasingly prominent, and the application scenarios and major projects of decentralized AI deserve attention.

As the Fed descends into an inflationary and banking crisis, Bitcoin becomes a guide for market signals. Market participants need to make wise judgments between the Fed's actions and remarks to avoid losses.

The Sei project has attracted much attention recently, and the reasons why it stands out among L1 and L2 projects are worth exploring. At the same time, Ethereum won the L1 battle, and the significance of Sei’s existence also triggered thinking.

The Dencun upgrade is coming and will bring Ethereum a scalable future. Upgrades to rollups, validators, and network security will significantly strengthen Ethereum’s overall operating landscape. The market has given a deeper recognition to Ethereum's enduring adaptability, and the Dencun upgrade is seen as a key step in consolidating Ethereum's dominance.