$ACE According to current Acent price prediction, the price of Acent is predicted to drop by -7.28% and reach $ 0.006875 by January 27, 2024. According to our technical indicators, the current sentiment is Neutral while the Fear & Greed Index is showing 55 (Greed).
Acent recorded 10/30 (33%) green days with 16.27% price volatility over the last 30 days.
Based on our Acent forecast, it's now a good time to buy Acent.
Based on the historical price movements of Acent and the BTC halving cycles, the yearly low Acent price prediction for 2025 is estimated at $ 0.006448. Meanwhile, the price of Acent is predicted to reach as high as $ 0.017076 next year. Using the same basis, here is the Acent price prediction for each year up until 2030.