Dormant whale 0xc47 just withdrew 5,580 ETH ($13.76 million) from Coinbase for $2,464 after being partially dormant for almost 2 years:

Transaction: 0x2cc81e95574e477bc5e94cc83fb35773c007e07642ca7b2580b4c846dde730f9

Address: 0xc47f5f9f7d92d589b0ca7fd96197e24defd437a7

Notably, this whale completed 7 ETH trades in the past (3 big wins, 2 small losses, and 2 break-even) for an estimated profit of $31.1 million (+43%). Here's a quick summary:

From September 8, 2020 to May 14, 2021: $29.6 million from transactions of 25,000 ETH (+69%)

From May 20 to June 4, 2021: $345,000 from transactions of 433 ETH (+2.87%)

July 9, 2021: Lost $224 on trade 937 ETH (-0.01%)

July 13, 2021 only: Breakeven on transactions of 7389 ETH

From July 13 to December 16, 2021: $1.53 million from transactions of 4,748 ETH (+16.5%)

February 4, 2022: Break-even transaction of 900 ETH

From March 9, 2022 to March 9, 2023: $416,000 (-43.7%) lost from trading 35 ETH.